tendance at community exercises and recreation, and other features of community life.

A brief glance back will now show you the principal elements that make up Dominican life. These are the four means essential to attaining the end, the purpose, of the Order, which is the salvation of souls. They are: the vows, regular life and monastic observances, the choral recitation of the Divine Office, and assiduous study of sacred truth, Your days as a novice, your years as a student, are welded firmly by these four means to a happy, holy life. They are also the means that will enrich your

years in the apostolate as a true son of St. Dominic, a loyal priest of Christ.

A priest! Yes, you have made your solemn profession. Every few months brings you closer to the altar, closer to the time when the Dominican student becomes the Dominican priest. Shortly after solemn profession, you receive first minor orders. Then, in about six months, second minors. A year later follows the subdiaconate. And after this you are made a deacon. You are learning many new things with every passing week, waiting anxiously, expectantly, for the moment when you are to be ordained a priest.

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