Summa Theologica

Ia q. 105 : Of The Change Of Creatures By God (Eight Articles)

[Letter] [A4] Entire question
[Letter] [A4] 1. Whether God can move the matter immediately to the form?
[Letter] [A4] 2. Whether God can move a body immediately?
[Letter] [A4] 3. Whether God moves the created intellect immediately?
[Letter] [A4] 4. Whether God can move the created will?
[Letter] [A4] 5. Whether God works in every agent?
[Letter] [A4] 6. Whether God can do anything outside the established order of nature?
[Letter] [A4] 7. Whether whatever God does outside the natural order is miraculous?
[Letter] [A4] 8. Whether one miracle is greater than another?