Donald J. Goergen, O.P.
Donald J. Goergen, O.P., is a preacher, teacher, lecturer, author, and theologian who has taught Christology and spirituality for many years. He has been the prior provincial of the Dominican friars of the Central Province in the United States.
Don is currently in residence at the Friends of God, Dominican Ashram,
720 - 35th Street, Kenosha, WI 53140-1934

The Passion for God in the Early Dominicans - - - In PDF
Talk given to the Provincial Assembly, June 2, 2003, in River Forest.

Globalization of Hope
Talk given to the DLC Annual Meeting, October 2002 in Adrian, MI.

Three Articles
"Dialogue and Truth" -- in HTML -- in PDF
This talk was given at the Inter-Faith Dialogue Conference in Bangkok in February of 2001, a joint congress of the University of Santo Tomas (Manila) and Assumption University (Bangkok). The talk is being published in the Philippines and is being published in Spanish in Spain in early 2002.

"Spirituality: The Challenges for a New Millennium" -- HTML -- View as PDF
The following article on spirituality for the new millennium was published in Spanish only, in ALTERNATIVAS, Revista de analisis y reflexion teologica, year 6/n. 14 (Managua, Nicaragua: Editorial Lascasiana, 2000): 107-22.

"The Quest for the Christ of Africa" - HTML -- View as PDF -- Download as zipped PDF
This article on African Christology was first published in AFRICAN CHRISTIAN STUDIES, The Journal of the Faculty of Theology, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, vol. 17, # 1 (March 2001), pp. 5-51 and the bibliography is being published in the September 2001 issue.

Letters to My Brothers and Sisters (complete, online)
As Provincial of the Central Province Fr. Goergen wrote regularly to his Dominican community and friends. This book collects the 20 lengthy letters of spiritual encouragement.

Theology of Jesus
  Volume 1 The Mission and Ministry of Jesus
THE MISSION AND MINISTRY OF JESUS is volume one in a series developing a theology of Jesus. This volume provides an interpretation of the earthly Jesus and concerns itself with Jesus' life and mission.

  Volume 2 The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
THE DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS is the second in a series of four volumes on Jesus by Donald Goergen, OP, published by Liturgical Press.

These two volumes, now out of print are being made available through Internet. The copyright belongs to the author. No permission is needed to use the works. The first volume in this series was a reflection on the earthly historical Jesus, his life and ministry, Jesus as prophet and sage. This second volume picks up with Jesus' death and resurrection.

The other volumes (The Jesus of Christian History; and Jesus: Son of God, Son of Mary, Immanuel) remain in print and are available from Liturgical Press in Collegeville, MN.

  Volume 3 The Jesus of Christian History
Goergen asks, "How has Jesus been understood, portrayed, or interpreted within the Christian tradition itself, within the history of the Christian movement?" He presents seven interpretative essays pursuing seven points in the history of Christian theology.
Paper, 312 pp.,5 3/8 x 8 1/2 0-8146-5605-6

  Volume 4 Jesus: Son of God, Son of Mary, Immanuel
This volume explores the question "What does Jesus mean to us?" It explores the Incarnation: Jesus' humanity and divinity in relationship to our divinity and humanity. The focus is a theological understanding of Jesus as Immanuel God with us.
Paper, 320 pp., 5 3/8 x 8 1/2 0-8146-5520-3

Also from Liturgical Press:
The Theology of Priesthood
Donald J. Goergen, O.P., and Ann Garrido, Editors
By engaging in conversation with those whose experience, perspectives, and theological traditions vary from their own, the contributors to The Theology of Priesthood explore in detail the fundamental questions being asked about the ordained priesthood...
Paper, 232 pp., 6 x 9 0-8146-5084-8

Selected Articles: "Current Trends" from Spirituality Today (1982-1983)

Donald Goergen: Bibliography

Dominicans with the Dali Lama A visit by Fr. Goergen to the Dali Lama.