Summa Theologica

Ia q. 103 : Of The Government Of Things In General (Eight Articles)

[Letter] [A4] Entire question
[Letter] [A4] 1. Whether the world is governed by anyone?
[Letter] [A4] 2. Whether the end of the government of the world is something outside the world?
[Letter] [A4] 3. Whether the world is governed by one?
[Letter] [A4] 4. Whether the effect of government is one or many?
[Letter] [A4] 5. Whether all things are subject to the Divine government?
[Letter] [A4] 6. Whether all things are immediately governed by God?
[Letter] [A4] 7. Whether anything can happen outside the order of the Divine government?
[Letter] [A4] 8. Whether anything can resist the order of the Divine government?