This list includes only those authors it is certain or at least likely as-Sanûsî quoted from directly, not those quoted second hand. "Theological authors" excludes grammatical authorities and authors of verses.

`Abbâd: a. `Al. M. b. `Abbâd. Perhaps that of GAL SII, p. 345 (d. 792/1390)unnamed work quoted (cf. III, I, e)

al-`Âmidî: Sayfaddîn a. l- `A. b. `A. b. M. ath-Tha`labî l-âmidî (d. 631/1233). GAL I, p. 393, SI, p. 678
Akbâr al-afkâr

b. `Arabî: MuŒyîddîn a. `Al. M. b. `A. b. M. b. `Arabî (d. 638/1240). GAL I, p. 441, SI, p. 790; Osman Yahia, Histoire et classification de l'oeuvre d'Ibn `Arabî (Damascus: Inst. français, 1964)
Sirâj al-murîdîn (not listed by Osman Yahya)
al-Kitâb al-mutawassa³ fî l-i`tiqâd (not identified)

b. `Arafa: a. `Al. M. b. M. b. `Arafa al-Warghamî (d. 750/1350). EI2 (H.R. Idrîs); GAL II, p. 247, SII, p. 347
al-Mukhtaªar ash-shâmil fî t-tawŒîd

al-Bâqillânî: al-Qâ²î a. B. M. b. a³-Ãayyib b. M. b. Ja`far b. al-Q. al-Bâqillânî (d. 403/1013). EI2 (R.J. McCarthy); GAL I, p. 197, SI, p. 349
Kitâb an-naq² (not listed in GAL; cf. III, I, a)

b. Ba³³âl: a. l-¥ `A b. Ba³³âl al-Andalusî l-Mâlikî (d. 449/1057). GAL SI, p. 261
I`lâm al-muŒaddith fî sharŒ ÀaŒîŒ al-Bukhârî

al-Bay²âwî: Nâªiraddîn a. Sa`d `Al. b. `U. b. M. b. `A. al-Bay²âwî (d. 716/ 1316). GAL I, p. 416, SI, p. 738
Ãawâli` al-anwâr min ma³âli` al-an¹âr
Anwâr at-tanzîl wa-asrâr at-ta'wîl (tafsîr)

b. Dahhâq: a. IsŒâq I. b. Yû. b. M. b. Dahhâq al-Awsî (d. 616/ 1219). GAL SI, p. 672
SharŒ al-Irshâd (of Imâm-al-¥aramayn)

al-Ghazâlî: ¥ujjat-al-Islâm a. ¥âmid M. b. M. al-Ghazâlî ³-Ãûsî (d. 505/ 1111). EI 2 (W. Montgomery Watt); GAL I, p. 421, SI, p. 748
IŒyâ' `ulûm ad-dîn

b. al-¥âjib: Jamâladdîn a. `Amr `Uth. b. `U. b. a. B. b. al-¥âjib (d. 646/ 1249). GAL SI, p. 538
Mukhtaªar al-furû`

b. al-¥âjj: a. `Al. M. b. M. b. M. b. al-¥âjj al-Fâsî l-`Abdarî l-Qayrawânî (d. 737/ 1336). GAL SII, p. 95
reports Œadîths (Cf. Ch. III, A, note 3, and J, 32a, f. 339b.)

b. ¥azm: a. M. `A. b. A. b. Sa`îd b. ¥azm (d. 456/ 1064). GAL I, p. 400, SI, p. 692
al-Faªl fî l-milal wa-n-niŒal (Cf. Ch. III, E, d.)

Imâm-al-¥aramayn: a. l-Ma`âlî `Abdalmalik b. a. M. `Al. b. Yû. al-Juwaynî, known as Imâm-al-¥aramayn (d. 478/ 1085). GAL SI, p. 671
al-Irshâd fî uªûl al-i`tiqâd

al-Isfarâ'inî: al-Ustâdh Ruknaddîn a. IsŒâq I. b. M. b. Mahrân al-Isfarâ'inî (d. 418/ 1027). GAL SI, p. 667; as-Subkî, Ãabaqât III, p. 111
al-Jâmi` bayn al-jalî wall-khafî or al-Jâmi` fî uªûl ad-dîn

al-`Irâqî: A. b. `AbdarraŒîm al-`Irâqî (d. 826/ 1423). GAL SII, ppl. 71 and 105
SharŒ uªûl as-Subkî

`Iyâ²: al-Qâ²î a. l-Fa²l `Iyâ² b. Mûsâ b. `Iyâ² al-YaŒªabî l-Andalûsî (d. 544/ 1149). GAL I, p. 369, SI, p. 630
ash-Shifâ' fî ta`rîf Œuqûq al-Muª³afâ
Ikmâl al-Mu`lim, sharŒ ÀaŒîŒ Muslim

`Izzaddîn b. `Abdassalâm: `Iaddîn a. M. `Abdal`azîz b. `Abdassalâm as-Salamî (d. 660/ 1262). GAL I, p. 430, SIK, p. 766
al-Qawâ`id (GAL lists several)

b. a. Jamra: a. M. `Al. b. Sa`d b. a. l-`Abbâs A. b. a. Jamra (or sometimes "¥amza") al-Azdî l-Andalusî (d. 699/ 1300). GAL SI, ppl. 635, 263 and 264; AB, p. 140
Mukhtaªasr al-Bukhârî

al-Maqqarî: a. `Al. M. b. M. b. A. b. a. B. b. YY. b. `Ar. al-Qarashî t-Tilimsânî, known as al-Maqqarî (d. 758/ 1357). GAL SII, p. 993; AB, p. 249
Kitâb al-buyû` min qawâ`id al-uªûliyya

b. Marzûq: M. b. Marzûq al-Œafîd (d. 842/ 1439). Cf. Ch. I, D, a, n. 15.

MuŒî³ al-¥anafiyya: I could not identify this work. (Cf. Ch. III, J, i.)

al-MuqtaraŒ: Taqiyyaddîn a. l-`Izz al-Mu¹affar b. `Al. b. `A. b. al-¥u. ash-Shâfi`î l-Miªrî l-MuqtaraŒ (d. 612/ 1215-6). GAL SII, p. 946, n. 173, I, p. 390, and SI, p. 672 (erroneously making "al-MuqtaraŒ" a book); as-Subkî, Ãabaqât V, p. 156.
al-Asrâr al-`aqliyya (Cf. at-Tilimsânî)

an-Niyâha: I do not know which of the many books with this title it is. (Cf. Ch. III, J. i.)

al-Qarâfî: Shihâbaddîn a. l-`Abbâs A. b. Idrîs al-Qaâfî ª-Àinhâjî l-Bahnasî, inown as ÀâŒib-ash-shar` (d. 687/ 1285). GAL I, p. 385, SI, p. 665
Lawâmi` al-furûq fî l-uªûl

al-Qayrawânî: a. M. `Al. b. a. Zayd `Ar. al-Qayrawânî n-Nafzâwî (d. 386/ 996). GAL I, p. 177, SI, p. 301

al-Qushayrî: a. l-Q. `Abdalkarîm b. Hawâzin b. `Abdalmalik b. ÃalŒa b. M. al-Qushayrî (d. 376/ 986). GAL I, p. 432, SI, p. 770

SaŒnûn: `Abdassalâm b. Sa`îd b. ¥abîb at-Tanûkhî (d. 280/ 854). GAL SI, p. 299

al-Qur³ubî: a. l-`Abbâs A. b. `U. al-Anªârî l-Qur³ubî (d. 656/ 1258). GAL I, p. 384, SI, p. 664

b. Sînâ: a. `Al. al-¥u. b. `Al. b. Sînâ (d. 428/ 1037). GAL I, p. 453, SI, p. 812; G.C. Anawati, Mu'allafât Ibn-Sînâ, Mihrajân Ibn-Sînâ (Cairo: Dâr al-Ma`ârif, 1950)
ar-Risâla a³-³ibbiyya (likely = al-Qanûn fî ³-³ibb Anawati, n. 140, p. 192)

ar-Râzî: al-Imâm Fakhraddîn a. `Al. M. b. `U. b. al-¥u. b. al-Kha³îb ar-Râzî t-Taymî l-Bakrî (d. 606/ 1209). GAL I, p. 506, SI, p. 920
al-MabâŒith al-arba`în fî uªûl ad-dîn

al-Ma`âlim fî uªûl ad-dîn (Cf. b. at-Tilimsânî)

MuŒaªªal afkâr al-mutaqaddimî wa-l-muta'akhkhirîn

Lubâb al-Ishârât (commentary on b. Sînâ's al-Ishârât wa-t-tanbîhât)

b. Rushd: a. l-Walîd M. b. A. b. Rushd (d. 520/ 1126). GAL I, p. 384; SI, p. 662

at-Taftâzânî: Sa`daddîn Mas`ûd b. `U. at-Taftâzânî (d. 792/ 1390). GAL II, p. 215, SII, p. 301
SharŒ al-Maqâªid ad-dîniyya
¥âshiya `alâ l-kashshâf (Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 21)
SharŒ Talkhîª al-mift⌠(Cf. al-Qazwînî)
SharŒ `Aqîda an-Nasafî (quoted only in J)

b. at-Tilimsânî: Sharafaddîn a. M. `Al. b. M. b. `A. al-Fihrî, known as Ibn-ast-Tilimsânî (d. 644/ 1265-6). GAL I, p. 390, SI, p. 672; as-Subkî, Ãabaqât V, p. 60; ¥âjî Khalîfa, Kashf a¹-¹unûn `an asmâ' al-kutub wa-l-funûn (Istanbul, 1360/ 1941), II, col. 1726-1727
SharŒ al-Ma`âlim (of ar-Râzî)

at-Tilimsânî: a. Yy. `Ar. b. M. b. A. ash-Sharîf at-Tilimsânî (d. 829/ 1425-6). AB, p. 170
SharŒ al-Asrâr al-`aqliyya (of al-MuqtaraŒ; cf. AB, p. 170, and above, Ch. III, F, c.)
SharŒ al-Irshâd (of Imâm-al-¥aramayn; it is the work quoted by W, f. 10b cf. Ch. III, A. c.)

az-Zabîdî: a. B. M. b. ¥. az-Zabîdî (d. 379/ 989-90). ¥âjî Khalîfa, Kashf-a¹-¹unûn, col. 1107
Ãabaqât an-najât


A. Abbreviations used in the thesis

AB = AŒmad Bâbâ; see below, C, "Bâbâ"
BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
E1 = Escorial ms. n. 697; see below, B, "Sanûsî"
EI 1 = Enclyclopaedia of Islam, first edition
EI 2 = Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition
GAL = Brockelmann; see below, C
IM = Ibn-Maryam; see below, C, "Maryam"
J = SharŒ al-Jazâ'iriyya ; see below, "Sanûsî"
JA = Journal asiatique
K = al-`Aqîda al-kubrâ; see below, C, "Sanûsî"
M = al-Muqaddima; see below, B and C, "Sanûsî"
À = al-`Aqîda aª-ªughrâ; see below, C, "Sanûsî"
Àª = Àighrat aª-Àighra; see below, B and C, "Sanûsî"
W = al-`Aqîda al-wus³â; see below, B and C, "Sanûsî"

B. Manuscripts

`Askar, b.
DawŒ at an-nâshir li-maŒâsin man kân min al-Maghrib min ahl al-qarn al-`âshir (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. 5025). Cf. Ch. I, A. a, n. 2.

Fodio, `Al. b.
Nazm al-Wus³â (Ibadan: microfilm collection nos. 82/84 and CAD/42)

Fodio, `Uth. b.
Bayân rujû` ash-shaykh as-Sanûsî `an at-tashdîd `alâ t-taqlîd fî `ilm at-tawŒ îd (Sokoto: ms. in the collection of the Marafa of Sokoto)

Mallâlî, al-
al-Mawâhibal-quddûsiyya fî l-manâqib as-sanûsiyya (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. 6897). Cf. Ch. I, A, a, n. 1.

Marzûq al-Œafîd, b. (Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 2)
`Aqîdat ahl at-tawŒîd al-mukhrija min ¹ulamât at-taqlîd (Istanbul: Süleymaniya ms. 1601, ff. 112a-116a)

Sanûsî, M. b. Yûsuf as-
al-`Aqîda al-wus³â (Escorial, ms. 697). Cf. Ch. II, A, b, for a full list of manuscripts and editions.
Nuªrat ahl ad-dîn (London: British Museum, ms. Add. 9521, ff. 245a-258a). Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 50.
SharŒ asmâ' Allâh al-Œusnâ (Paris: Bibliothèque Natioale, ms. 6480). Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 13.
SharΠal-Murshida (Tunis: ms. in the collection of M. Naifar). Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 42.
Àighrat aª-Àighra (Escorial, ms. n. 697). Cf. Ch. I, E, nos. 8 and 9.

Tanasî, M. at-
Na¹m ad-durr wa-l-`iqyân fî dawlat Banî-Zayân (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. 5173). Cf. Ch. I, B, note 10, and D, b, n. 3.

Zarkashî, M. az-
Ta'rîkh ba`² ad-dawla al-muwaŒŒidiyya wa-nubûgh ad-dawla al-¥afªiyya wa-dhikr man malak min-hum (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. 1874). Cf. Ch. I, B, note 10.

C. Printed works

`Abdalbâsi³ b. Khalîl
ar-Raw² al-bâsim fî Œawâdith al-`umr wa-t-tarâjim, ed. and tr. by Robert Brunschvig, Deux récits de voyage inédits en Afrique du Nord au XVe siècle, `Abdalbâsi³ et Adorne (Paris, 1936), pp. 69 and following. Cf. Ch. I, B, note 18.

Anawati, G.C.
Mu'allafât Ibn-Sînâ, Mihrajân Ibn-Sînâ (Cairo: Dâr al-Ma`ârif, 1950)

Cf. Gardet
Cf. Laugier de Beaurecueil

Bâbâ, A. (Cf. Ch. I, A, b, n. 2)
al-La'âlî s-sundusiyya fî l-fa²â'il as-sanûsiyya
Nayl al-ibtihâj bi-ta ³ rîz ad-Dîbâj (Cairo, 1932-3) = "AB"
Kifâyat al-mu Œ tâj li-ma`rifa man lays fî d-Dîbâj

Bargès, J.J.L.
Histoire des Beni-Zeiyan, rois de Tlemcen (Paris, 1852)
Complément de l'histoire des Beni-Zeiyan (Paris, 1887)

Bel, Alfred "`Abd-al-Wâd," EI 1
"`Abdalwâdides," EI 1
"Tlemcen," EI 1
"Zayânids," EI 1
Cf. Khaldûn, Yy. b.

Ben Cheneb, M. (Cf. Ch. I, A, b, n. 5)
"al-Sanûsî," EI 1
"étude sure les personnages mentionnées dans l'idjâza du cheikh `Abd el Qâdir al-Fâsy," in Actes du XIVe Congrès International des Orientalistes, Alger 1905, troisième partie, suite (Paris: Leroux, 1908)

Bivar, A.D., and M. Hiskett
"The Arabic literature of Nigeria to 1804: a provisional account," BSOAS, v. 25 (1962), pp. 104-148.

Brockelmann, Carl
Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur (Leiden: Brill, finished 1942). Cf. Ch. I, A, a, n. 4.

Brosselard, Charles
"Tombeau du Cid Mohammed es-Senouci et son frère le Cid Ali et-Tallouti," Revue Africaine, v. 3, n. 16 (April 1859), pp. 245-248. Cf. Ch. I, A, a, n. 3.
"Retour à Sidi Senouci: Inscriptions de ses deux mosquées," Revue Africaine, v. 5, n. 28 (July 1861), pp. 241-260. This contains a translation of al-`Ubbâdî; cf. Ch. I, A, b, n. 1.
"Le tombeau de Sidi Zekri retrouvé," Revue Africaine, v. 5, n. 29 (Sept. 1861), pp. 334-336.
"Tombeaux des familles el-Makkari et el-Okbani," Revue Africaine, v. 5, n. 30 (Nov. 1861), pp. 401-421.

Brunschvig, Robert
La Berbérie orientale sous les ¥ af ª ides des origines à la fin du XVe siècle (Paris, 1940 and 1947)
Cf. `Abdalbâsit b. Khalîl

Cherbonneau, A.
"Documents inédits sur es-Senouci, son caractère et ses écrits," JA, 1854, pp. 175-180. Cf. Ch. Ik A, b, note 7.

Delphin, G.
"La philosophie du cheikh Senoussi d'après son `Aqîda es-su'ra," JA, 9e série, v. 10 (1897), pp. 356-370. Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.

Gabrieli, G. (Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.)
"Un capitolo di teodicea musulmana ovvero gli attributi divini secondo la Umm al-Barâhîn di al-Sanûsî," Trani, 1914
"La dommatica minore di al-Sanûsî," Trani, 1914

Gardet, Louis, and G. Anawati
Introduction à la théologie musulmane (Paris: Vrin, 1948)

The Gospel of Barnabas, ed. and tr. by Lonsdale and Lawra Ragg (Oxford, 1907). Cf. Ch. III, I, d, note 9.

Horten, Max
MuŒammadanische Glaubenslehre, Die Katechismus des Fu²âlî und des Sanûsî übersetzt und erläutert (Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen, hsg. von Hans Lietzmann, Heft 139, Bonn, 1916), pp. 45-53. Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.

¥âjî Khalîfa
Kash a ¹ - ¹ unûn `an asmâ' al-kutub wa-l-funûn (Istanbul, 1941)

¥ifnâwî, al-
Ta`rîf al-khalaf bi-rijâl as-salaf (Algiers, 1906)

¥âmidî, al-
¥awâsh `ala SharŒ al-Kubrâ li-s-Sanûsî (Cairo, 1936)

Hunwick, J.O.
"AŒmad Bâbâ and the Moroccan invasion of the Sûdân (1591)," Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria, v. 2, n. 3 (1962), pp. 311-328
"A new source for the biography of AŒmad Bâbâ al-Tinbuktî (1556-1627)," BSOAS, v. 27 (1964), pp. 568-593
"Further light on AŒmad Bâbâ al-Tinbuktî," Bulletin of the Center of Arabic Documentation (Ibadan), v. 2 (1966), pp. 19-31.
[Sharî`a in Songhay: the replies of al-Maghîlî to the questions of al-Hajj Muhammad. O.U.P., 1985.]

Jomier, Jacques
"Un aspect de l'activité d'al-Azhar du XVIIe aux débuts du XIXe siècles: Les `aqâ'id ou professions de foi," communication faite au colloque d'histoire tenu au Caire 27 Mars4Avril 1969 à l'occasion du Millénaire du Caire.

Julien, Charles A.
Histoire de l'Afrique du Nord (Paris: Payot, 1931)

Kattânî, al-
Fahris al-fahâris (Fez, 1927-8). Cf. Ch. I, A, b, note 7.

Kenny, Joseph
"A bibliography of Islam in the north of Nigeria and surrounding areas," Mélanges de l'Institut dominicain d'études orientales, v. 10 (1970) (Cairo, Dâr al-Ma`ârif), pp. 315-326. Cf. Ch. I, D, d, note 183.

Khaldûn, `Ar. b.
al-`Abr wa-dîwân al-mubtada' wa-l-khabar fî ayyâm al-`Arab wa-l-`Ajam wa-l-Barbar, part 3 (Bûlâq, 1867). Cf. Ch. I, B, note 10.

Khaldûn, Yy. b.
Bughyat ar-ruwwâd fî akhbâr al-mulûk min Banî-`Abd-al-Wâd, ed. and tr. by Alfred Bel, Histoire des Beni `Abd el-Wâd, rois de Tlemcen, in three volumes (Algiers, 1904, 1911, 1913). Cf. Ch. I, B, note 10.

Laugier de Beaurecueil, S., and G.C. Anawati
"Une preuve de l'existence de Dieu chez Ghazzali et S. Thomas," Mélanges de l'Institute Dominicain d'études Orientales, 3 (1956), pp. 207-258. Cf. Ch. III, B, b, note 10.

Luciani, J.-D.
Petit traité de théologie musulmane par Abou Abdallah Mohammad ben Mohammed ben Youssef Senoussi (Algiers: Fontana, 1896). Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.
Les prolégomènes théologiques de Senoussi (Algiers, 1908). Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 11.
"A propos de la traduction de la Senoussia," Revue Africaine, v. 42, n. 231 (1898), pp. 376-388. Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.

Marçais, George
"La Berbérie du VIIe au XVIe siècle," conférence faite à la séance d'ouverture du Deuxième Congrès National des Sciences Historiques, Alger, 14 avril 1930, in Mélanges d'histoire et d'archéologie de l'occident musulmane, v. 1, Articles et conférences de Georges Marçais (Algeirs, 1957), pp. 17-22
"`Abd-al-Wâdids," EI 2 .

Maryam, b.
al-Bustân fî dhikr al-awliyâ' wa-l-`ulamâ' bi-Tilimsân (Algiers, 1908). Cf. Ch. I, A, b, n. 3.

McCarthy, R.J.
"Al-Bâqillânî," EI 2.

Qarâfî, A. b. Idrîs al-
al-Ajwiba al-fâkhira fî r-radd `alâ l-as'ila al-fâjira (Cairo, H. 1322). Cf. Ch. III, I, d, note 1.

Qur'ân: A Cairo Arabic edition was used; translations are my own.

Râzî, Fakhraddîn ar-
Tafsîr (Cairo, c. 1930). Cf. Ch. III, I, f, note 17.

Sanûsî, M. b. Yûsuf as-
al-`Aqîda al-kubrâ (Cairo, 1936). Cf. Ch. I, E, nos. 2 and 3.
al-`Aqîda aª-ªughrâ (Cairo, 1939). Cf. Ch. I, E, nos. 6 and 7.
al-`Aqîda al-wus³â: SharŒ al-Wus³â (Tunis, 1909). Cf. Ch. II, A, b, for a full list of manuscripts and editions.
Manâqib al-arba`a al-muta'akhkhirîn. Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 51, on how this is contained in Ibn-Maryam.
al-Muqaddimât. Cf. J.-D. Luciani, Les prolgomènes...
Àighrat aª-Àighra (Cairo, 1904-5). Cf. Ch. I, E, nos. 8 and 9.

Saraqus³î, I. as-
al-Hiba wa-l-`a³â' fî sharŒ al-`Aqîda al-wus³â (Tunis, 1926-7). Cf. Ch. II, A, b.

Sifâqsî, MaŒmûd b. Sa`îd Maqrîsh as-
¥âshiya `alâ SharŒ al-Wus³â li-M. b. Yûsuf as-Sanûsî (Tunis, 1902-3). Cf. Ch. II, A, b.

Subkî, as-
Ãabaqât ash-Shâfi`a al-kubrâ (Cairo, H. 1324)

Turki and M. ash-Shâdhili Naifar
al-Fârisiyya (Tunis, 1968). Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 42.

`Ubbâdî, al-
Cf. Brosselard, "Retour à Sidi Senouci..."

Watt, W. Montgomery
"al-Ghazâlî," EI 2.

Weir, T.H.
The shaikhs of Morocco in the sixteenth century (Edinburgh: Morton, 1904). Cf. Ch. I, A, a, n. 2.

Wensinck, A.J.
The Muslim creed, its genesis and historical development (Cambridge, 1932)

Wolff, Ph.
El-Senusis Begriffsentwicklung des Muhammedanischen Glaubensbekentnisses (Leipzig, 1848). Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.

Yahia, Osman
Histoire et classification de l'oeuvre d'Ibn `Arabî (Damascus: Institut Français, 1964)