January 21-28, 2000
A Photo Collage of the International Delegation
Visit to Chiapas, Mexico
Click the images for full-sized photos.

This is from a celebration in a theatre celebrating the history of the diocese and Bishops' Ruiz and Vera O.P.'s participation in it.
The indigenous from the seven regions of the diocese marched in pilgrimage for hours to join together in the zocolo for the celebration on Jan. 25, 2000.
Jan. 25, 2000 The view around the Zocolo in front of the Cathedral during the retirement liturgy of Bishop Samuel Ruiz and the sending forth of Bishop Raul Vera.
Representatives from each of the communities performed a Circle Dance to begin the liturgy. Each flag represents a community
We crammed into the square after some walked for over 4 hours
This is an elder blessing of both of the out-going bishops. They exchange the light as a sign of the light of Christ that will unite them wherever they will be!
These are pictures from our trip to Acteal, the site of the massacre of 45 women, men and children which occurred on Dec. 22, 1997. They were murdered by Priistas (a pro-government paramilitary group) while praying for peace in their village.

Some Chiapas resources . . .


The Faithful Revolution: Vatican II, Part Five: The Dynamics of Hope
This is a 20 minute segment of the fifth video of the series on the impact of Vatican II. The diocese is presented as an example of living out the vision of Vatican II.


MacEoin, Gary. The People's Church: Bishop Samuel Ruiz and Why He Matters. New York: Crossroad, 1996.
This is an excellent detailed history of the ministry of Bishop Samuel Ruiz thorughout his forty years as bishop and the role of the diocese in mediation between the Zapatistas and the Mexican government.


Diocese of San Cristobal de Las Casas:

Bartolome de Las Casas Human Rights Center:

International Committee for Peace: